Secure Citizens

We support you in implementing secure components, secure documents as well as turnkey secure identity management solution, leveraging on the most advanced physical and digital solutions.

Passport & ePassport

We provide highly-secured electronic and non-electronic passport, leveraging on the latest security printing standard and electronic security, in compliance with ICAO standards.

Smart Card & Smart Datapage

We provide advanced smartcard and passport datapage with advanced RFID features and polycarbonate substrate.

Digital ID & Digital Driving License

We help you digitalizing all your government documents, leveraging on our turnkey digital ID platform and secure wallet.

ID Management Platform & PKI

We design and implement secure end-to-end platform to manage all your identity documents, leveraging on highly secured PKI.

Secure Holograms

We provide high security holograms for critical government applications, such as passport, ID card, banknotes and much more.

Multi-Modal Biometric Platform

We enable to implement the most advanced biometric platform to secure your borders, leveraging on fingerprint, face and iris.

Secure RFID Components

We provide advanced RFID components (inlay, eCover) for all your government identity applications.

Secure Operating Systems

We develop and provide our secure operating systems for passport, ID card and driving license applications.